Monday, May 10, 2010

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Board positions open

Do you want to be part of the largest professional society of electrical engineers in the world?
Do you want to develop strong leadership skills and enhance your resume?
Do you want to meet well-known researchers and professors and/or engineering recruiters?
Do you want to contribute in improving Brown engineering students' learning experience outside of class?

If the answer to at least one of this questions is YES, then you should consider getting involved with the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Brown University Student Chapter (or simply Brown IEEE). There are leadership positions (Board positions) open for next year and we strongly encourage you to apply! Our activities include:
-academic and professional lectures/seminars
-special projects and participation in technology competitions
-tours and field trips of technological and research nature
-career & recruiting events in conjunction with engineering companies
-social and networking events
-joint ventures with other groups
-subsidized participation in one regional IEEE Conference per academic year

To apply, please visit Deadline to apply is May 14th midnight.

The IEEE is the world's largest technical society, bringing members access to the industry's most essential technical information, networking opportunities, career development tools, and many other exclusive benefits.
Brown IEEE is a student group with the mission of providing all undergraduate and graduate students who are interested in Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering and related fields with useful resources for their academic, technical and professional development. It was reestablished in 2009 by a group of Brown seniors -all IEEE Student members and electrical engineering majors- who felt the need of a cohesive society which gives students the opportunity to meet and learn from fellow students, faculty members and professionals in technological sectors.

To learn more about Brown IEEE, please visit or send me an email at