Tuesday, April 6, 2010

MoSAIc REU at Iowa State University

The MoSAIc REU at Iowa State University will provide participants with a ten-week research experience in the area of Microscale Sensing Actuation and Imaging. Students will pursue fundamental investigations related to design and manufacturing of microscale sensors, actuators and smart materials as well as development of state-of-the-art imaging and diagnostic systems. Examples include flexible linkages, magneto-restrictive materials, solar cell architectures, nanomechanical sensors for biological agents, switchable surface assemblies and high spatiotemporal resolution 4-D imaging sensors. The research experiences will be complemented by cohort experiences including a suite of short courses, professional development and extracurricular activities. A unique component of the REU site will be a workshop on ethical issues pertaining to engineering research. Students can walk away from their REU experience where they evolved from a dependent status to a relatively independent status with life-long learning skills that will impact their contributions to society.

Applications are due by April 23, 2010

> More information can be found at http://www.me.iastate.edu/mosaic