Monday, February 8, 2010

ChipSat Workshop Attendance and Career Opportunities

Re: ChipSat Workshop Attendance and Career Opportunities

The Division of Engineering will be hosting an all-day technology workshop Thursday, February 18th in Barus and Holley Room 190. The topic of the workshop is systems-on-chip designs intended for spacecraft where the microchip IS the satellite.

Topics will include satellite on chip manufacturing techniques, exotic missions using chipsat technology such as landing thousands on the surface of a planet or setting up a string of chipsats reaching from the Earth out to interstellar space. The workshop will include presentations from top experts in the world and offers a rare glimpse into several novel applications of aerospace, nanotechnology, electronics fabrication and systems technology.

Students of science and engineering may attend for free. Simply let conference organizers know in advance (contact information is available on the ChipSat website No specific space engineering background is required to attend. You are welcome and encouraged to drop in to B-H 190 during any times you might have free during the 18th (next Thursday).

In addition to the technical workshop, industry representatives have expressed an interest in recruiting opportunities for both full-time careers and summer internships. If you are interested in either, please communicate this with conference organizers and we will pass your information along to interested parties. Opportunities for recruiting will take two forms - either specific interviews, or informal interactions possibility leading to a formal interview.

Whether you are job hunting or just interested in space and chipsats, we recommend following Woody Allen's advice: 80% of success is showing up. Hope to see you there.

Ken Ramsley, Visiting Investigator
Rick Fleeter, Associate Professor (Adjunct)